Losing Weight Before a Trip: Should You or Shouldn't You?

With thoughts of lounging on a Costa Rican beach looming in my immediate future, my present has me fretting about my post-baby body (and who are we kidding - it wasn't tight and toned pre-baby either!).  On one hand, I want to set a positive body image example for my daughter by embracing who I am and what I look like, flaunting my baby pouch in a little black bikini and not worrying about the cellulite on my thighs.  On the other hand, I'm a normal woman who shudders at the thought of lolling about on the beach with my less-than-supermodel form.

Booking Airline Tickets for a Baby: What You Should Know

Booking Airline Tickets Baby

Some exciting news for this new family: we are headed to Costa Rica in November!  The tickets are booked, hotels taken care of, and a list of fun activities and destinations drawn up.  My husband and I have been to Costa Rica before (we even got married there), but this is the first time we've ever been there with our wee babe, let alone traveled on a plane with her.  This is a whole new ball of wax!